My REAL Options Trading Story | Blew Up 2 Accounts

I’m excited to share my real options trading journey with you. It’s been a rollercoaster ride filled with ups, downs, and valuable lessons learned along the way. So buckle up and let’s dive into how I went from blowing up two accounts to consistently making $3,000 to $6,000 a month through options trading.

Finding My Footing in the Market

Back in 2016, I stumbled upon the world of investing, inspired by the success stories of billionaires like Warren Buffett. However, I quickly realized that traditional investing required a substantial amount of capital and patience, which didn’t quite align with my circumstances as a high school student.

The Day Trading Dilemma

Eager to make quick profits, I turned to day trading after being bombarded with ads promising instant riches. However, despite my efforts and experimentation with various strategies, including RSI, MACD, and Fibonacci, I struggled to consistently turn a profit. It wasn’t until later that I learned about the importance of understanding market cycles and selecting the right strategy for different market conditions.

Mastering Options Trading

In 2021, I decided to explore options trading, initially skeptical of its perceived risks. However, through diligent research and experimentation, I discovered the power of option selling, particularly credit spreads and the 1-1-2 strategy. By leveraging options, I found a way to generate consistent monthly income while minimizing risk.

Options Trading Journey

My journey in options trading has been marked by perseverance, resilience, and continuous learning. From blowing up accounts to mastering strategies that work, I’ve come a long way. If you’re new to trading, remember to understand market cycles, find a strategy that resonates with you, and commit to mastering it.

If you want to trade options profitably with a 86%+ win rate and consistently generate monthly income, then join the 10% Credit Spreads program!

Thanks for reading 🙂
Austin Bouley
CEO & Chief Strategy Officer

“Make Money Or Don’t Pay” Guarantee

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